30 September 2006

Elvis Lives in Galway!

The owner of our B&B said that he was singing at a local pub that evening and asked if we wanted to come by and see his show. After our excellent dinner (another surprising positive from a rocky start to our trip), we took a taxi to Ward's Hotel where we came upon a sign advertising the evening's entertainment...Larry Grogan performing Elvis! We were taking bets as to if he would be wearing the full costume. We didn't have to wait long before out struts Elvis wearing a white leather one piece suit with a red cape and scarf. We were laughing pretty hard seeing our middle aged, Irish, day job accountant, about to perform in a Galway pub as Elvis. We laughed until he started to sing. He had a marvelous voice and he knew all the songs and even had the moves! After Larry/Elvis was done performing, an older gentleman was urged by his friends to get up and sing. He was very shy and had his back to the audience while he sang, but he had a wonderful voice. The evening concluded by everyone standing and singing the Irish National Anthem. It was a very moving experience. Our trip to Galway could have been a disaster, but we didn't give up as we ran into obstacles, and we had a fun, fun weekend!

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